Shining a Light on your Future Career Path

A Complete Career Guidance Service for Second and Third Level Students

Advice on

  • Applying to College
  • Subject Choice for Leaving Cert
  • Scholarship
  • HEAR, DARE, SUSI applications
  • Applying to college abroad
  • CAO
  • PLC Courses
  • Apprenticeships, Traineeships

Consultation Includes

  • Psychometric testing
  • One to One Consultation
  • Research
  • Report and Feedback

Career Guidance Consultation

Geared towards students in senior cycle at secondary school who are preparing for their Leaving Certificate and who need guidance regarding the next step on their career journey.

The Career Guidance Service involves three stages:

Before we meet, students complete a series of psychometric aptitude and interest tests. These take on average two hours to complete. They are done online, in the student’s own time.

The interview stage involves getting to know the student and their needs and expectations. We discuss a student’s interests and strengths, their educational results to date, and their hopes and dreams for the future. Additionally, we examine the psychometric test scores and explore how a student can best fulfil their potential. We focus on possible courses and what career paths that they would enjoy.

Furthermore, we look at how the college application system works, entry requirements for particular college courses, and the many alternative entry routes to a career.

In-person interview
Online Video Call Available

A final report is completed when the interview is over. This provides an overview of the session including a detailed description of the student’s aptitudes and interests. Moreover, it outlines suitable careers and courses with links to relevant websites. This report is tailor-made for each individual student and is sent via email.

Helping Parents and Students Understand the College Application Process and the Many Options Available

What Lighthouse Career Guidance Clients Say….

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour.” Mark Twain

Carmel Roche
Carmel Roche

About Me

Based in County Wexford, I am a graduate of University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and Maynooth University. I have over 25 years experience as a teacher, examiner and advisor in second level education. I am a professional Guidance Counsellor accredited by the Institute of Guidance Counsellors and I hold qualifications in Occupational and Psychometric Assessment (BPS recognised).


Helping you to Explore, Discover and Decide